The Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Law Procedure in The Netherlands (荷蘭刑事程序法中之人權保障 (譯著))

The Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Law Procedure in The Netherlands (荷蘭刑事程序法中之人權保障 (譯著))
軍法專刊第58卷第4 期 Military Law Review v.58 issue 4, 2012


English Abstract: The Netherlands is governed by the rule of law. International human rights treaties play an important role in that regard. As regards criminal law procedure, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is of especially great significance. The right to liberty (Article 5 ECHR), the right to a fair trial (Article 6 ECHR), and the right to privacy (Article 8ECHR) are most frequently invoked by the defence in criminal proceedings and exert a daily influence on criminal justice proceedings. Nevertheless, international human rights provisions seem increasingly to be fulfilled in Dutch criminal law procedure more minimally than they used to be. It would seem, therefore, that one can detect a development from an extensive realization of fundamental rights to an often merely sufficient fulfillment. This relates to suspects; the protection of victims' fundamental rights has expanded greatly. In order to secure a reasonable perception of the way both international and regional fundamental rights instruments are implemented in the Dutch criminal procedure system, a description is first be given of which instruments are relevant to The Netherlands and their legal position in the Dutch legal order. Thereafter, the organisation of criminal justice and the system of criminal procedure law is explained. Subsequently the position of human rights in Dutch criminal law procedure is elaborated. Finally, the paper will discuss the most important changes within criminal law procedure that might effect the realization of human rights.

Chinese Abstract: 尼德蘭王國依法治國原則治理,國際人 權條約扮演重要的角色。在刑事程序法方面, 以歐洲人權公約特別重要。其中自由權(歐 洲人權公約第 5 條)、公平審判權 (歐洲人 權公約第 6 條),隱私權(歐洲人權公約第 8 條)最常為刑事訴訟中之被告引用,並且 對刑事法上正義具有持續的影響。本文討論國際人權及區域人權文件在荷蘭刑事訴訟法之實踐,本文將描述相關國際文件,以及其在荷蘭法律體系中的法律地位。其後,刑事程序的組織及程序法。再來,解釋人權法在荷蘭刑事程序法中的地位。最後,本文討論幾個刑事程序法中重要的改變,這些改變可能會影響人權法的實踐。(本文件為中文)

Chen, Shu-Chien and van Kempen, Piet Hein, The Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Law Procedure in The Netherlands (荷蘭刑事程序法中之人權保障 (譯著)) (December 1, 2012). 軍法專刊第58卷第4 期 Military Law Review v.58 issue 4, 2012. Available at SSRN:
