Towards a Safer Commercial Environment: A Brief Review of the E-commerce Law of the P.R.C/ Shu-Chien Chen and Chi Zhang

Towards a Safer Commercial Environment: A Brief Review of the E-commerce Law of the P.R.C
co-authored with Chi Zhang

  • Edit publication Towards a Safer Commercial Environment: A Brief Review of the E-commerce Law of the P.R.C

    publication titleTowards a Safer Commercial Environment: A Brief Review of the E-commerce Law of the P.R.C co-authored with Chi Zhang
    China’s first e-commerce law has been passed by the legislative body, which offers detailed stipulations for future operators. In the recent decade, the e-commerce sector has rapidly developed as one of the most influential economic powers in China. However, due to the lack of specific legal rules regulating e-commercial dealings, the Chinese e-commercial industry is being increasingly riskier. This newly passed statute will definitely improve the institutional environment of the e- commerce sector in China and provide better protection for both investors and consumers.

    The whole text is published at China-Europe Commercial Collaboration Association Newsletter October 2018.
