ERC conference: Challenge Accepted! Exploring Pathways to Civil Justice in Europe at Erasmus University Rotterdam

My poster "Procedures Matter!" is presented in the poster program of the ERC conference: Challenge Accepted! Exploring Pathways to Civil Justice in Europe, at Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a tax law person, procedures are always the core of the discussions. My poster is based on my research on the safe-guard clause under the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base Directive Proposal (Article 29). Article 29 provides a non-judicial procedure for tax authorities from different Member States to adjust the apportionment results if there is an unfair result. The origin of this clause is from Multistate Tax Compact Section 18 from USA, but in the EU context, how this clause should be implemented to take into account taxpayers' rights and legal certainty need further discussions. 

The venue information:

Erasmus University Rotterdam - Van der Groot Building, Woudestein Campus
The Conference - 19 and 20 November 2018 – Forum Room M3-15.
Poster Presentation - 20 November 2018, between 9:00 and 15:30 - Room Athena M1-19.

This conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law in the context of the ERC-Consolidator Research Project ‘Building EU Civil JusticeOpens external: Challenges of Procedural Innovations Bridging Access to Justice’ (more information at:
